Received a Cryptshare Email?

Congratulations! - This means that the sender takes data protection seriously and uses for GDPR-compliant email and secure file exchanges.

Secure email communication for small enterprises.
Starting at € 5 per month. Ready to use in just a few moments.
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Send and receive secure emails.
Send and receive large files with up to 10 GB
Recall transfers in Outlook and Web App.
Integrated into your workflows (Outlook and web browser).
Up to 25 email users per Business Account.
Usable without having your own IT infrastructure.
7 days free trial for your organisation New

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What you get

Cryptshare Web App

Available at anytime, for all modern browsers.

Cryptshare for Outlook

Benefit from all of Cryptshare's advantages in Outlook.


With a small icon in your favorite browser, Cryptshare is always just one click away.




